Sarah Long Hendershot
Some song suggestions
- G Five O’clock World (The Vogues)
- E Across the Universe (Beatles)
- E Angel from Montgomery (Bonnie Raitt)
- A Can’t Let Go (Lucinda Williams)
- C Carmelita (Linda Ronstadt)
- G Dimming of the Day (Richard Thompson/Bonnie Raitt)
- E I Don’t Need No Doctor
- C Don’t Let Me Down (Beatles, but a different arrangement)
- Em Down By the River (Neil Young)
- A Everything is Broken (Dylan)
- E For What it’s Worth (Buffalo Springfield)
- D Free Falling (Tom Petty)
- Am Further on Up the Road (Johnny Cash)
- D Girl of the North Country (Dylan)
- Eb Heart of Mine (Nora Jones)
- Am Hit the Road Jack (Ray Charles)
- D I Put a Spell on You (Annie Lennox version)
- A In the Pines
- A Last Dance with Mary Jane (Tom Petty)
- Ab Lord Protect My Child (Dylan; Susan Tedeschi version)
- A Louise (Bonnie Raitt)
- C Love in Vain (Rolling Stones)
- E Love Me Like a Man (Bonnie Raitt)
- B-7 Mad World (Tears for Fears)
- D Maybe I’m Amazed (Paul McCartney)
- D Poor Poor Pitiful Me (Linda Ronstadt)
- Bb Shoulda Learned My Lesson (straight ahead slow 12 bar blues, Rory Galleger)
- Am Summertime (George Gershwin)
- C Sway (Rolling Stones)
- Bm The Thrill is Gone (BB King)
- Wicked Game (Chris Isaak, original key)
Some other stuff
- Starting Over
- Yearn and Burn
- Nebraska