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Black and White was my first love. It is a beautiful medium that has a way of gracefully removing distractions and helping us focus on shape and tone and texture. Soft gradations and delicate textures can gently almost subconsciously stimulate our senses. A well executed B&W image is more of an experience than just a photograph.

We spent an afternoon in Melide, an interesting Galician city that was formed at the intersection of two caminos. As always there is so much to explore visually and it can be difficult to fight the feeling of needing to rush through and see it all. Slowing down has its merits though.

Wandering the streets I began to sense the colors. So very subtle, aged and worn. Color here isn't quite the same as I think of in southern coastal cities. It feels more gentle and more fused into the character of life.

At first my brain was working to filter out the colors, as it always does, so I could concentrate on the monochrome. But there was a strange uneasy feeling nagging me. Something fighting my ability to feel satisfied with my compositions. Although I was doing my best to ignore it I found it was too distracting and eventually had to give it some attention. I noticed that it was the colors that kept getting my attention. When I realized this I decided to give in and let the colors have their say.

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